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What is the purpose of wall handrails in hallways and stairways? Jun 20, 2024
With the strengthening of people's safety awareness, the application of wall safety handrails is becoming more and more common, especially for the elderly, disabled people, pregnant women and children, to prevent slipping when walking in the passage. Why install corridor and stair wall handrails? What is the function of channel wall handrails?What is the purpose of wall handrails in hallways and stairways? What are the benefits of using safety grab bars?

wall safety handrails

First, the supporting role

When people go up and down the stairs, it becomes easier because they are supported by the safety handrails of the stairs. Especially for the elderly whose physical strength and physical condition are not good, wall safety handrails can play a very good assisting role.

safety grab bars

Second, the protective effect

We are prone to physical imbalance when going upstairs. The handrails of safety stairs can prevent the danger of slipping down the steps.

channel wall handrails

The purpose of handrails in hallways and stairways is to provide support and stability for individuals as they walk or ascend/descend stairs. Hand are typically installed along the sides of staircases and sometimes along hallways or corridors. They are designed to be grasped by a person's hand, allowing them to maintain their balance and prevent falls or accidents. Handrails are particularly important for people with mobility challenges, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. By offering a secure grip, handrails help individuals navigate stairs and hallways with greater confidence and safety. They also serve as a visual and tactile guide, helping people to orient themselves and move through spaces more easily.

channel wall handrails

wall safety handrails

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